What is gluten?
Some seeds, such as wheat and rye contain gluten. Gluten is a family of proteins in seeds, including wheat, rye, and barley.
Of grain with gluten, more ordinary wheat. The most important gluten gluten protein and gallery. Gliadin is responsible for many adverse health effects of gluten ( source 2 , source 3 is not reliable ) .
When flour is mixed with water , forms gluten , a sticky glue-like network compatibility . This feature is similar to the sticky dough is flexible and enables bread to rise during baking .
The elastic texture and provides satisfactory .
Interestingly , the name of the property that is derived gluten -like paste wet glue . Gluten problems Most people can tolerate gluten without any harmful effects.
However, problems can cause certain people. This includes gastrointestinal diseases, gluten sensitivity, wheat sensitivity and some other diseases (title 4 source).
The digestive disorder of the digestive system disorders, the library is also a digestive system, the most serious gluten form. Takes about 1% of the population (5).
This is an autoimmune disorder, where the gluten body is treated as a stranger. Gluten's immune system, as well as intestinal mucosal (source 6 incompatible).
This is a bowel wall and can create a lack of nutrients, anemia and serious digestive problems and increase the risk of many diseases.
The most common symptoms of digestive disorders are: digestive discomfort damage in headache as a flexible dirty weight loss and how some people with gastrointestinal diseases have no stomach complaints,
but they can sign symptoms Other such as fatigue or anemia (after 4, exporter 8 are incompatible). For this reason, doctors often make the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease.
In fact, in a study, 80% of people with digestive disorders are not known (9Trusted). Gluten sensitivity has not been reported, many people perform a positive test for gastrointestinal diseases, but still a negative interaction on gluten. This item is called gluten sensitivity.
Researchers do not know how many people have the disease, but some estimates should be 0.5 to 13% (10Trusted).
Symptoms of gluten sensitivity include: diarrhea from fatigue status as a clear definition of gluten sensitivity. However, the doctor can do this diagnosis, when a person responds to gluten, but the disease of digestive and sensitive disorders (source 11, 12) has been removed.
However, some experts believe that this is a legitimate government.
They believe that other gluten materials make other harmful effects. A study looked at 393 people, with diagnosis and non-warning research, will improve the diet of gluten (13).
The results showed that only 26 had gastrointestinal diseases, while they had 2 wheat allergies. I only detected 27 out of 364 remaining gluten sensitivity.
This means that all participants believe that gluten intolerance was only 55 people (14.5%) had a gluten problem. Therefore, many people who think can be a sign of unbearable intolerance as a result of other reasons.
Neurological Surgery (IBS) is a common digestive syndrome that symptoms, including: pulmonary gas, constipation, or both, but a chronic disease, but many people can change their symptoms with a diet, change Lifestyle and processing.
Interestingly, studies have shown that some of the people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome can benefit from a gluten-free diet (14Trusted source, 15, 16rusted source).
Wheat sensitivity in 0.2-1% of the population is estimated, wheat sensitivity may cause gastrointestinal system after gluten (17 non-polished sources).
In addition, studies have shown that gluten-free diet, some people can benefit from plan and autism, and this disease is called Rataxia (18 expores, 19, 20).
Wheat sensitivity is the most common gluten signal. A person can also receive anemia or a problem. People can ask their doctors first to see the disease of digestive disorders first.
There are two important ways to find out whether a person with celiac disease ( source 8 is not compatible ) There are blood tests : many screen blood for antibodies .
Routine tests TTG-IgA. If so, your doctor can recommend texture Bkhozah to confirm the results .
A biopsy of the small intestine : Health professional , a little monster Mnsjh of the small intestine is damaged the lab 's analysis . If someone thinks that they can be Disorders , to experience a gluten-free diet , you should consult your doctor .
If the person is not forced to cause a disease, the best way to see if it is sensitive to gluten is a hard diet of gluten for several weeks to see that symptoms have improved.
Then they should re-introduce gluten in their diet and recognize that their symptoms are back. If the symptoms do not improve gluten-free diet and do not worse when presenting gluten, the offender can be slightly different from gluten.
Gluten-free diet test has not been tested for detecting the problem, and people can not only try.
If a person is suspicious of which they have a problem, they should use guidance from health services provider and other gastrointestinal diseases or allergies.
Fodmaps fodmaps are a short carbohydrate chain found in many foods, including wheat. Many people can not digest this correctly, which can create many digestive symptoms (21 standard sources).
Proof that many people with "gluten sensitivity" are sensitive to fodmaps, not gluten. One of 37 people with its own allergies has been developed on a low FPMAP diet, which resulted in reduced symptoms. Then he gave gluten insulation, which did not affect the signs of the gastrointestinal system (22 trusted sources).
This indicates that fodmaps are blamed for many people who think they react to gluten negatively. Doctors can advise that people who suffer from IBS are looking for low poverty with diet.
However, you can find a lot of people this challenge, which can lead to shortcomings. People should follow this regime using professional health care.
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