What is adhd?

 Can ADHD Cause Speech Problems?

 What is ADHD ? 

ADHD is the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Where person is too active and practice impulsive behavior.

People with ADHD may have difficulty focusing their attention on a single task or sit for a long time . 

Many people experience a lack of attention and change in energy levels .

For a person with ADHD , it happens more often and to a lesser extent compared to people without the condition. This can have a significant impact on your studies, work, and life at home. Both adults and children can have ADHD. It is a diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). 

Symptoms of ADHD :

 A wide variety of behavior is associated with ADHD. Some of the most common include: Having trouble focusing or concentrating on tasks. be oblivious to complete tasks It is easily distracted Difficulty sitting still interrupted while people are talking, A person experiencing hyperactivity and impulsivity can: Finding it hard to sit still or remain seated, for example, in class Do you have trouble playing or to perform tasks in silence. over talkative Finding it difficult to wait their turn to interrupt others when they are talking, playing or performing a task Someone struggling with the focus can: Regular make mistakes or miss the details of the study or work it's hard to stop listening focus, read or hold a conversation.

Having trouble organizing your daily tasks. often lose items easily distracted by little things that happen around them If you or your child have ADHD, you may have some or all of these symptoms. 

The symptoms you have depend on the type of ADHD. Explore a list of common symptoms of ADHD in children. 


 Making the diagnosis of ADHD is more consistent, the APA the state grouped into three categories or types. These types are mainly disappointing, predominantly impulsive hyperactivity, and a combination of both.

 Mostly inattentive as its name indicates, people with this type of ADHD have extreme problems that focus, the tasks and the following instructions terminate. The experts also think that many children with the type of ADSHD can not receive an adequate diagnosis because they are not inclined to interrupt the classroom. 

Research research suggests that it is more common among girls with ADHD. Type mainly hyperactive impulsive people with this type of ADHD display, mainly hyperactive and impulsive behavior.

 This may include the following : restless people pause as they speak their turn waiting While inattention is less concern with this type of ADHD , people with ADHD predominantly hyperactive impulsive increasingly difficult to focus on tasks to be taken into account .

hyperactive - impulsive type and combined inattention It is the most common type of ADHD . People with this combined type ADHD show inateivos and hyperactive symptom.

These include an inability to pay attention , a tendency toward impulsivity and activity levels and energy above average . The type of ADHD , you will determine whether your child what it is . The type that can change over time, so you can also change your treatment. Learn more about the three types of ADHD. 

What causes ADHD? 

 It is believed to have neurological origin. Genetics may also play a role . Research suggests that a reduction in dopamine research is a factor in ADHD .

 Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that movement signals help of a nerve to another . It plays a role in triggering emotional reactions and movements .

 Another built font indicates a structural difference in the brain . The findings indicate that people with ADHD less gray volume. . Learn more about possible causes and risk factors for ADHD. ADHD Diagnosis and Test There is no single test that can tell if you or your child has ADHD. 

A Treat Source of 2017 Emphasize the benefits of a new test to diagnose ADHD for adults, but many doctors believe that a diagnosis of ADHD cannot be done on the basis of a test.

 To make a diagnosis , the doctor will evaluate any symptoms you or your child has had in the past 6 months . Your doctor can get information from teachers and family members gather and review checklists and rating scales symptoms .

 They also do a physical exam to look for other health problems .

 Learn more about  :

ADHD rating scales and what they can and can not do . If you suspect that your child have ADHD , talk to a doctor to get an evaluation . Schools regularly evaluate children for conditions that could affect educational performance . 

For evaluation , provide your doctor or counselor notes and observations about your or your child 's behavior . 

If you suspect ADHD , they can give you or your child referred with ADHD specialist . Depending on the diagnosis , they can also make an appointment with a psychiatrist or neurologist . treatment of ADHD ADHD Treatment usually includes behavioral therapy , medication or both . 

Types therapy includes psychotherapy or talk therapy . With talk therapy , you or discuss your child how ADHD affects your life and ways to help control it .
